Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 98, Race to the Road

Part 3, Northern California, Day 98
Race to the Road
Miles: 28.50
Total Miles: 1597.25
Days 95-98 are up
I was happy to find a clear sky when I woke up. I started hiking at 6:30, not sure of my plan; just walk fast and see what happens.
I was rolling and feeling good, and after doing 10 miles by 10am, I looked at my maps; 19 miles to Etna Summit... That's a long way. I don't know if I've mentioned this on the blog, but it's hard to hike 30 miles. I decided right there to go for it. I'd originally planned to camp before the road and hitch into Etna tomorrow, but I felt like flying! 
The trail was much more difficult today than previous days. Lots of steep uphill made me question if I could do the miles today. 
Regardless of the rough terrain, I was flying over the trail. 
Another gorgeous day with views and windflowers!
I was a sweaty mess by this point, covered in dirt. The usual..
I entered the Russian Wilderness, another point of extreme interest for me.
Almost immediately the terrain became rocky and steep, with the trail cut right into the side of the mountain.
I ran into Cave Dave, whom I hadn't seen in 1,000 miles! We caught up and stopped to eat lunch. I'd done 17 miles by Mid day!
I passed through a recent burn area. It was a creepy place; everything was scorched, with no sound but the wind.
I passed Bonus Miles, the guy who is always one step ahead of me. 
There was a huge storm in the distance. I could hear thunder and see lots of precipitation. 
It was getting late and I wanted to reach the road before 5pm. I was pushing hard, and becoming frustrated with the never ending trail; impatience was growing. 
I did stumble upon this cool lake, hidden in this rocky canyon:
The trail dragged on and on.
After an eternity, I saw Sawyers Bar Road on Etna Summit. I ran as best I could, hoping to see a car.
I found this sign at the trail head:
Unfortunately, I wouldn't need the sign; the road was a ghost road. Not a single car. Just the wind...
I waited for almost 2 hours. Not a single car drove by. At least I had this view though:
I nearly gave up and was thinking of camping in a turnout or even walking 10 miles to town, but....a truck!!! Two road workers picked me up. I was so thankful. They dropped me at the Alderbrook Manor in the town of Etna. This bed and breakfast has a shed with beds called the Hiker Hut:
I set up my tent on their big lawn and got my new solar charger that I sent here.
The Hiker Hut offers beds, showers, laundry, a kitchen, Internet, TV, etc. for a small fee. I borrowed a bike and went into Etna for some food, then came back and hung out with Pensioner and Dana. I saw The Spaniard too! He was the guy I was with after Yosemite who dropped his phone in a lake. 
Stay tuned for the Etna blog post, coming to an Internet near you tonight!! (If I get service...)

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