Part 3, Northern California, Day 95
The Mountain and Me
Miles: 17.58
Total Miles: 1516.28
Shasta was a very successful nearo. I woke up and tried to hitch out of town early, but there was little traffic. As I walked down the road, I saw Mario, who persuaded me to eat breakfast with his crew and then catch a ride from the shuttle guy. I took him up on his offer. 45 minutes later, I was headed to the trail. Numerous hikers were hanging out at the trailhead, but I wasted little time. At 11am, I started the climb up.
I quickly passed another milestone:
1500 miles! Woo-hooooo!!!! Whatever. I kept climbing. The morning was already very hot in the mid-90's. 
I entered the Castle Crags Wilderness:
I was really thirsty and I failed to bring water, so I was relieved to get to a creek. Something deep inside my head told me not to drink the water.
There was this strange red dust covering everything that surrounded the creek, like a red paint bomb went off. I was tempted to filter the red water but chose to keep hiking.
I saw the group from earlier at a bridge. Mario is from England, Scooters's from Germany, and Molly is from Seattle. I call them "The Europeans."
Bad picture, but it's for the best; Scooter is being obscene. The climb continued, and I started to get views of the rock formation above.

I made sure to camel up here, because there would be no water for a few blazing hot hours, and I was climbing steep trail. 

The Castle Crags rock formations are impressive. They are much bigger in person standing directly beneath them.
It was so hot... I ran out of water fast, and the climb lasted for hours. I sat on a rock and just sort of dazed off for awhile. Here's me delirious with heat and thirst:
I passed two ladies working on the trail. They were having fun, even in the heat. They hauled up lots of tools and were a bit dejected when I told them the trail was overgrown for miles below. They'd been working for hours on a 10 foot section of trail. They had their work cut out for them. I continued up and finally found the spring I was looking for. It had very small flow, but I filled 4 liters.

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