When I'm not waking up in strange places, I enjoy hiking, reading, playing with my cat Bill, etc. Pretty normal shit, right? I've developed something of a wanderlust. I'm not interested in any of that other stuff. I was always more interested in important business, like what dirt is made out of, or whether or not bees can think...
I'm hiking the trail for the adventure, the freedom, the beauty, and the challenge. I want to do something I believe to be meaningful, and I'll attempt to document the high, lows, and in-between's on this blog for my family, friends, fellow hikers, and myself. I know that I love and respect nature, that hiking makes me happy, and that being right in the middle of all this beauty reminds me to be humble.
I've been training in Santa Cruz, but will return to Big Sur for the final push, and then set up shop on the PCT in late April.
Bill |
Bill is cool. My cat's name is Bell. I sure enjoyed your blog . 🌽