Sierra City
Miles: 5.61
PCT Mile: 1195.4
Crazy day! So let's just start from the beginning. I slept badly again. It was another hot night and my tent was on a few lumps. Needless to say, I was not in the best mood this morning. I only had a few miles to Highway 49, so I read until 8:30am. It was already hot when I started hiking.
My feet were still very sore from yesterday and it worried and frustrated me. My morale was pretty low so I kept telling myself to cool it. I was drenched in sweat by 9:30. I was below 5,000 feet for the first time since I can remember, and it was oppressively hot.
I came to a trail that looked like a shortcut on my map. I could bypass a few miles of road walking, so I took the trail.
The trail followed the North Yuba River. I could see the Sierra Butte above me. (I hope I got those names correct!)
I came to a dirt road and theme of the trail. My phone Maps weren't working, so I had to just trust that road would take me to the highway.
I eventually hit the residential area and walked quickly through it. Not sure these people like strangers.
I then found Highway 49. I would love to drive this whole road someday, because the history is fascinating.
This tiny establishment was founded in 1852 I think, and has a cool history in the mining and timber industries.
Pancakes do excite me though.. went to the General Store, where about a dozen hikers were hanging out.
I said my hello's and had a quick look around, then went to the church, which offered camping its tiny lawn, to set my pack down. On the way there I saw Legend, of course! He says he got his name by beating Tiger Woods in a game of golf and set out to prove it by hitting a roll of electrical tape across the street.
What can I say, the man is a legend! When I arrived at the church, a neighbor yelled at me to come have a beer. An older fellow named Jim.
He told me the gossip on Sierra City. Apparently, according to Jim, the Chinese are taking over, and that's why the businesses are doing poorly. Thanks for the beer Jim! I went back to the store to get my resupply box.
I spent the afternoon doing errands. Laundry at the store, a cold shower at the visitors center, and organizing my food.
Later, when my chores were done, I went to the tiny store and was peer-pressured into ordering the notorious 1 pound "gut buster" cheeseburger. Some other hikers were not even finishing it.
This was a real hiker burger. However, at some point, it ceases to be a hamburger. This was really just a weird amount of meat, with a bread handle, masquerading as a burger. I mean, C'MON! You just can't fool me this easily. I explored town for a bit, not sure what my plan was. I found the local free mason clubhouse. I tried to join, but nobody was home.
I joined the mob of partying hikers across the street at the Old Sierra City Hotel, now closed. Lots of drinking and smoking going on.
It was a hilarious time. Nightshift (shirtless) and Copenhagen were putting on a show. Nightshift pierced Copenhagen's nipple with a paper clip. Some other obscene stuff went on. Hiker trash stuff.
After plenty of beers, I took one look at the tiny church lawn camping area that was filled with hikers and decided to go outside town. It was nearly 8 pm but I decided to take a chance. I packed up and walked up Highway 49 into the warm evening, aimless, but feeling good.
I'm writing this hike sitting by a creek getting mauled by mozzies, but it's ok. The fish are jumping right out of the water. I'm so glad I got away from that crowded lawn. This morning I was pretty low, but a good day with good people really got my gears going again. I feel ready to hike again. I didn't do much to deal with my body pain, but I'm carrying less food, so that's a start. I have a massive climb tomorrow first thing. Later, gators!

Great fotito of the Holly Hocks @ Mt Creek Restaurant. :-D