Part 3, Northern California, Day 79
The Bears and the Bees
Miles: 28.13
Total Miles: 1222.05

Check out the above pic of my morning view! I had horrible sleep again. It was hot so I slept under my bug net. If you will recall, I was stealth camping in the woods outside Sierra City. I awoke with a sudden jolt if adrenaline and saw it was 2am. There was something crashing through the brush right outside my net, and it was so close. I was too paralyzed with fear to even look, and I just laid still. I'm sure it was a bear. It was breaking logs as it ran by. After 10 long minutes of no noise, I checked outside with my light and didn't see anything. Somehow I fell back asleep and woke up several times until I packed up at 5am. I found my way back to Highway 49 and walked the 2 miles up to the trail.

This had been a successful and quick in and out of town, and now I was focused on a brutal 3,000 foot climb. It was nice and cool though, so I enjoyed the hike.

I was climbing up and around the Sierra Buttes, and I had views all over. Here's the valley I camped in last night:

Here's Sierra City tucked away in the trees:

When I arrived at the other side of the mountain, there was a fantastic view of the Sierra Buttes. They must be really popular because there was legions of day hikers viewing them.

There was a large group that was amazed at the solar panel strapped to my pack, and they treated me like some sort of spaceman.

Here's one more of the Sierra Buttes:

There were plenty of lakes back here. They were also extremely popular, and in most of them I could see lots of boats and people.

I was all business today, and hiking fast. I felt pretty good physically, although my pack is still performing horribly in every way.

I passed Space Kitty and Goulet and told them my bear story. PCT hikers love a good bear story.

Water proves to be another treasure hunt in NorCal, but when the sources are there, they are clean and ice cold.

I had great views today. There was thunder and dark clouds surrounding me all day. Thunder is fine, but when I'm backpacking, it makes me anxious, so I listened to music all afternoon and hiked fast.

Not much happened today. I continuously watched the sky, waiting for rain to come at any moment, and it did rain briefly.

I came to this spring at around 4:30pm.
I sat down and massaged my bare feet, which felt great. My feet were doing much better today. I switched back to the green Superfeet insoles and I loosened my laces so much that they are barely holding my shoes on.

As I was sitting there, a honey bee stung my bare foot! I mean c'mon! I need that foot. It didn't hurt or anything, but I considered it a sign and quickly moved on. Thunder rumbled throughout the sky as I ended the day with another massive climb and descent. I saw these flowers, which are beautiful. I'm not sure at all, but they might be Leapord Lillies:

After a long day, I limped to a meadow and was lucky to find a flat spot to camp. I think it's gonna rain and thunderstorm tonight, so I have my rain tarp on.

I'm looking forward to another big day tomorrow. Hopefully a bear doesn't mess with me tonight. They are everywhere here in Northern California. I also sleep with my food inside my tent! I feel like Bear bait.
As reading in my tent, lightning is filling the night sky followed almost instantly by angry claps of thunder. It's pretty exciting. It's also raining. I'm in it tonight. Never a dull moment on the PCT.
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