Halfway Anywhere
Miles: 26.87
Total Miles: 1325.52
I slept over a giant rock last night. It dug into my back all night and I slept poorly. This rock was as big as a basketball and I slept over it because I was too tired to care. I've said this before, but I'm sure some people think that on the PCT, you can sleep wherever you feel like sleeping. This is not the case. Flat camp spots are few; so few that there's competition amongst hikers to claim these spots. We spend so much time on the steep crest that it's rarely flat. Long story short, I didn't want to pack up and wander the trail in search of another spot, and I paid for that. Rant over.
I woke up early and got moving by 6:15. The trail was easy this morning, and went through thick forests.
I saw Pine Stick at Cold Springs. Pine Stick is a delightful older fellow with lots of outdoor experience. His son, Cat Whacker, is also thru hiking somewhere on the trail. Pine Stick and I got water from Cold Springs, my favorite spring yet. This spring was but like a shower and was gushing cold water.
I'm a huge fan of water.
I left Pine Stick and hiked on at a good pace.
Today was very nice and I hiked through meadows, forests, cliffs, and volcanic areas.

I was tired today. It's my tenth straight day if hiking and I feel worn out. I'm resupplying and zeroing in Chester tomorrow, so I knew rest was coming, and I just had to have one more big day, I hiked 14 miles by noon. 
I love the views of this sea of green trees. These vast forests seem to hold so much mystery and promise.

I met a trio of thru hikers; Avalanche, Caveman and Cool Whip. We sat and talked for awhile and we all went to fetch water at a piped spring. The spring was nearly a mile off trail and steep downhill. Thru hikers hate adding miles to their daily total, but water is essential, and it was hot out.
I left the others and hiked uphill for a few hours. I was so sluggish today because of the heat. I took more breaks than usual. There were amazing views of Mt Lassen. I've been sneaking several pics of Lassen into this post.

This sign is supposed to say "Butte Mountain," but somebody sanded the "e" off so it says "Butt Mountain."
I laughed way harder than I probably should have when I saw this. I still think it's hilarious. Here's Butt Mountain from abit further down trail. 
After hiking 23 miles, I came to the PCT halfway point marker!
It's not exactly accurate, as the PCT mileage is heavily debated, but it's still an accomplishment, I suppose.
What was once a count up to something has now become a countdown. I dont feel anything too special, but this does cause me to reflect on the last 1325 miles and what a rollercoaster of an adventure it's been. Some people feel dejected that they still have another half to hike after all this work, but I don't feel that way. I've learned so much and I finally feel like I'm starting to put it all together in terms of thru hiking.

Best name on the trail so far...Catwhacker. I know there have been storms in the Chester area. Hope you took some photos of the lightening that goes with those Nor Cal wonders...rest easy.
I tried to capture the Lightning, but it's incredibly difficult to capture, especially in the day time. If I had the equipment for a long exposure I could probably take a Lightning pic.
DeleteCat Whacker, Butt's... humor on the trail.. and ending up in Chester. Enjoy to the max some down time.
ReplyDeleteA sense of humor is necessary out here to keep morale up. That Butt Mountain sign really made my day. I just want to sleep all day, but I could've home out today. I'm really just avoiding a massive thunderstorm that's forecasted today.
ReplyDeleteForgot to congratulate you....half way...damn...really proud..
ReplyDeleteHalfway...congratulations Brett. What an amazing feat!! Once again your photos in the last several posts are stunning. I just think it is so cool to see places that most of us would never have any idea even existed. How cute is Sierra City. LOVE that photo of the creepy church by the way. It sure is nice to know that such large areas of California are still beautiful and untouched. Just as mother nature intended and only for the adventurous few to ever view. Really enjoying your blog. If I keep letting Derek read it, I know that I will be on a backpacking trip real soon! Take good care out there.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lauren! This hike has really opened my eyes about what's beyond my comfort zone. It's nice to know that, for now at least, real adventure is still possible. If this blog can influence you and Derek to go on a trip, than is consider the blog a success!