Broken Wing
Miles: 27.16
Total Miles: 1375.00
Today my hike changed, and new challenges have arisen. Injury and gear failure is causing me to adapt, so for awhile, this blog will be typed and published when I'm at a power source, and the pics and commentary will be less than usual. I have to save my phone battery until I can replace my solar charger.
I woke up this morning to dark skies. It was cold out and my foot was throbbing. Yesterday, I tweaked a muscle in my foot. The first thing I noticed today was a huge knot right under my toes, and when I walk it feels like I'm walking on a golf ball. I packed up with a sense of dread. Should I turn back to Chester and get my foot looked at? I chose to push on, hoping it wouldn't hurt too bad.
I emptied all my water to lighten my load. I was very nervous that I'd become immobile in the middle of nowhere, so each step further into the wild was filled with anxiety.
After hours of limping, my other foot and leg became agitated from my now irregular gait. My left foot was already deeply bruised from stepping on a rock after Yosemite, and now my right foot has some muscle injury. It feels bad and makes me feel nervous. Each step cause me to wince in pain. I took some ibuprofen and continued moving forward. There was nowhere to stop here anyways, and I was in the middle of nowhere.
There was great views of the backside of Lassen. I stopped to rub my feet and charge my phone. My solar charger wasn't working! Insult, had indeed been added to injury. I sat there, injured and hurting, and now I had to deal with this. It's mainly a severe blow to this blog, which requires much battery power to operate on trail. I could either give up or adapt. I chose to adapt. Just another challenge, right? I continued on, limping down the trail.
Registers are great at this point of the trail. You can see who is ahead of you and by how many days. It gives me reasons to hike faster and catch up to people. Whoever is behind me is always a mystery.
I ate more ibprofen and took several breaks to rub my bare feet. Each step was excruciating pain, and doing this all day was taking its toll. I had a headache from holding my breath for each step. I got some water from Hat Creek:
I finally came to signs of civilization. I had no plan, but headed to Old Station to look for a power outlet to charge my phone.
After walking through a very crowded camp/RV area, I came to the Hat Creek Store. I saw Diogenes and Claire and then....Whole Roll!!! I haven't seen him in 900 miles.
I didn't buy anything here. A pack of ramen costs a dollar, so that should show how overpriced everything is.
Whole Roll got his name cause he carries a whole roll of toilet paper with him, and sure enough, I caught him holding a whole roll.
It was getting late, so I walked 4 miles to Subway Cave, the last water for the next 30 miles. I got there near dark and checked out the cave.

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