2,000 Miles!
Miles: 27.67
Total Miles: 2024.85
I slept pretty good and woke up around 5:30, but I was too tired to get cracking. I forced myself to get going and was hiking by 6:45am. I hiked through an exposed burn section for much of the morning, and I crossed a highway at Santiam Pass.
I can tell you that the last 2,000 miles had been a real adventure, though I have t had time to fully process it. It's very exciting. Only 660 miles to go!
The morning was filled with smoke and the smell of fire. I thought new fires might be around since the smoke was blanketing the hills and valleys.
I reached the top of the first climb and began seeing views of Three Fingered Jack through the smoke.
The miles went by slowly today. I have a heavy pack with 9 days of food, and it's mostly uphill today, and the air is hot and filled with smoke. I don't know. I just wasn't crushing the miles. I'm tired.
I met hikers who were turning back due to the smoke. The wind was actually carrying the smoke away South though. I got water at Rock Lake.
I met a hiker named Tent Fire here. She almost burned her tent down in the desert. We discussed the imminent storm as the clouds began to darken quick.
The thunder and lightning started and the rain followed, and after that hail. It either rained or hailed for the next 4 hours. It was a massive storm and very exciting. I finally got some great views of Mt. Jefferson.
It rained hard for a bit so I hiked fast. I was headed about 7 miles to a creek to camp, all downhill. It seemed to take forever. I was dead tired.

So. it looks as if most of Oregon has burnt at some point.