Part 4, Oregon, Day 115
Will Hike for Food
Miles: 28.78
Total Miles: 1950.08
(note: the days are somewhat out of order around this point, so use the menu to follow the days in chronological order)
Last night I passed out really quick. I woke up at about 2am and some gray critter was up to no good outside my tent. A quick slap to the side of my tent sent whatever this thing was running. I woke up again to a cold morning at 5:30am. I walked past the many sleeping hikers and hiked out at 6:40am.
I was hiking fast and finished my daily goal of ten miles by ten am. I hiked for awhile through this crazy clear-cut / burn area. It was rather pretty though, with wildflowers and rebirth at work.

I passed into the Three Sisters Wilderness. I've been waiting for this.

There were dozens of lakes by the trail today.

Around 10am, I realized that Elk Lake Resort was 18 miles away and only 1 mile off trail. My guidebook said they had hamburgers. Only 18 miles? IT'S ON! I had a clear goal. To get as far as I could as fast as possible. I was a man on a mission.

I passed some gorgeous lakes. Here's Brahma Lake:

Here's Stormy Lake:

The forest was a pleasure to walk through today. It was lush and green.

I was slightly delayed by the need to pick and eat huckleberries.

At times it felt like hiking through a jungle.

The landscape changed frequently.
Here's Island Lake; I'm assuming it's called that because of the little island out there.

After a huge push, I finally reached the side trail to Elk Lake Resort, nearly 29 miles from this morning. It was only 6pm, but I was very tired. I walked the 1 mile down the trail.

I saw a red fox, but it was shy. I crossed a road and walked toward the lake.

I heard a lot of people noises and I knew I was in for a rude awakening.

I saw this monstrosity, whatever the hell it is. I'm sure it makes someone feel good about themselves.

There were a bunch of casuals about. It is the weekend. I waded through the sea of clean people.

I found the restaurant and sat at the bar next to another hiker named Grock. Everything was wildly expensive. I ordered a cheeseburger for 14 bucks.

It was actually really good. The price is the price. Most businesses have us hikers by the balls and they know our options are limited. This place is just plain expensive though. I'm used to getting fleeced now.

I do get to camp in the hiker area ( dirt patch) in the campground. It's so loud here. People are blasting music and yelling. I really wish I was out in the wilderness tonight. I feel at home there now. I miss the solitude. It's funny how sometimes I complain about being lonely and other times I crave solitude.

I'm sitting in a shack near the highway right now. I found an outlet to charge my phone. I love the comments from all you lovely readers, and I haven't had phone service since Ashland. I've been uploading these posts via wifi from these lake resorts. As soon as I get service I'll respond to your comments.
I was hiking from Shelter Cove with another hiker who had a resupply box at Elk Lake so I got to see it (yea, $$$). Swam in the lake. We also stayed in the CG. I'll send a box there this year, as I'm resupplying more often to keep the weight down. ADL