The Trail Goes On...
Miles: 20.4
Total Miles: 1922.6
I slept good last night. I don't really recall getting back to my tent, but it happened. I woke up earlier than any other hiker in the hiker campground and I just sat in my sleeping bag until 7:30 when I packed up and walked to the store. I saw this rabbit running around.
Legend was there. We talked about the trail for a bit.
I watched Jukebox as he tried to cook a dozen eggs in his hiker stove. It was pretty funny.
This lady named Kim drive up and announced that she was cooking pancakes, eggs, and sausage for hikers. She was set up in a van down by the river... We were pumped about this serious trail magic. 
Look at all the hikers lined up:
I just realized how gross the picture of food looks... It tasted good.
I charged my electronics and was ready to hit the trail by 10am. I was kinda sad because I had such a fun time at Shelter Cove, and I knew I might not see some of the hikers again. The trail works in mysterious ways though. I walked up this road for 2 miles before coming to Highway 58. 
I was finally back on the PCT and it felt good.
Today was so beautiful and the weather was perfect. The forest was pretty. Huge pine trees covered in green moss.
I walked by lower Rosary Lake:
Then middle Rosary Lake:
And then, of course, upper Rosary Lake.
When I saw this view of all the lakes together, I thought they might be called Rosary Lakes because they look like a line of rosary beads.
I found a cool ski shelter available to hikers. It's clean and solar powered.

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