Magic and Misery
Miles: 27.42
Total Miles: 1809.57
The last 4 days have been some of my most mentally and physically challenging days on the trail. I find myself asking the dreaded question, "what the fuck am I doing out here?" I'm pretty sure that I'm sick from dehydration. Hydrating is hard to do when you hike all day in high 90's heat and there's no water. The PCT is trying to break me.
I slept ok considering it was 95 degrees last night. I was so tired that I just went out. I packed up and left by 6:30. The trail went through a dull forest for the morning. It was mosquito hell.
The mosquitos were humongous and swarming. I sent my deet and mosquito net home like a moron. I spent the morning hiking fast and swatting. Biting me would be the last thing they ever did.
After 10 miles of mozzie mayhem, and just when I thought there's never be a view again, I emerged out of the forest and onto a ridge.
I was currently on a 15 mile waterless stretch, and I was rationing water. I was tired and everything attached to my body hurt. I was soaked in sweat from the heat. Long distance hiking is uncomfortable in ways you'd never imagine.
I went through several burn areas. The air was already filled with smoke and reeked of fire from the many fires burning in the area.
Maybe it's been the heat, but I can't understand why I'm having trouble lately. Going up this climb was absolutely miserable today. My pack felt like a sack of rocks.
I reached a stream and drank some water. I ate some food, but my appetite is gone lately. I saw Pine Stick and talked with him before leaving. About a mile later I saw a guy coming south with a huge bag of chips over his shoulder. It was Goal Tech! I saw him before Tehachapi in the desert, over 1,100 miles ago when he gave me a bag of chips.
This time he gave me a Starbucks instant coffee and some other candy stuff. He's like the Santa Claus of the PCT. We talked for a bit and this trail magic cheered me up.
My next big task was to plan my next water carry. I chose a stream and filled up all I had, 4.5 liters. There was no more water for the next 25 miles, and it was hot. I'd already felt dehydrated yesterday, so I was a bit worried.
Near the stream, there were hundreds of cute little frogs in the trail, and they all waddled into their holes when I came by.
I was moving very slow because of all the water I carried, and since I needed water tonight and tomorrow, I only allowed myself 1 liter to drink. All I can say is, fuck. This was hard hiking.
Eventually, the clouds turned black and the thunder started. I think the PCT is legally obligated to have thunderstorms everyday. The rain started shortly after the thunder.
After an hour, the storm passed. I had a headache, something I never get until the last few days, and I'm sure it's from being dehydrated. I rationed my water well, and still had 3 liters for tonight and tomorrow. I hiked until I found a good flat spot.
Smoke is filling this valley, and it's difficult to breath. The smoke has made the sun look blood red all day, and it's been like walking on Mars, I'd imagine.
I cooked dinner (ramen) and set up my tent. I resupply tomorrow, but I'm starting to worry about how I'm feeling and being dehydrated, especially since I start a 30 mile waterless carry tomorrow. We'll see what happens. I need some serious sleep. I go somewhere special tomorrow, so the sky better be clear and sunny. Did I mention that i'm tired?

Can you see this guy?

You need a funnel on the top of your pack to catch the rain water! Aren't I full of good ideas! Saw Bill last week...he's fat.