This will destroy you
Miles: 0
Total Miles: 2390.6
It hasn't stopped raining on 4 days and it won't stop for another 5 days. There are several other hikers holed up here at the Summit Inn, and many others have bailed to Seattle to try and wait out the storms. Others have decided to finish some other year. This was a record rainfall for late August on WA, and the wind and low temps create a hypothermia danger for hikers. The forecast calls for sub 40 degree temps and snow above 5,000 feet. My next section has 19,000 feet of elevation gain and I frequently hover above 6,000 feet. I'm dreading this hike to say the least. I'm not even sure why I'm going out. I'll be hiking out tomorrow.

I guess we'll see what happens. I'll try my best to take pics in the rain and get some good blog posts up. Until next time, friends!