I was nervous to get back on the trail today. The weather forecast contained a heat wave, which I'm ok with, but also a weeks worth of thunder storms, lightning, rain, and high winds. This is extreme fire weather, it explained. Look, I'm cool with seeing Mother Nature in all her moods, but gimme a freakin break! This whole hike, I've constantly been dealing with storms and weather, not to mention a fire, and a drought. All the hikers are talking about this freak weather year. What's next? A tornado? Is Mt. Shasta going to erupt? I'm getting worn down by the constant anxiety of worrying about my safety......I'm sorry..I needed to vent.
I left my hotel room at 9am and walked a mile to Highway 50. I thought about hitching the ten miles to the trail, but didn't want to bother, so I went to the Lake of the Sky outfitters and looked at a list of trail angels who provided rides. I called the first name, and was lucky to get a ride. Mel and his wife, Liz', picked up me and another hiker and drive us to Echo Lake. When I got there I thanked them and went to the Chalet Store.

I saw KC and Shepherd sitting outside, so I caught up with them. Inside, I bought a milkshake that cost too much.

It was a crap milkshake. It was like they put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on a cup and just waited for it to melt. I mean, Macdonald's milkshake is far superior and half the price. I talked to Shepherd and KC until 11am and then hiked out.

There were loads of people at Echo Lake this morning.

I was so tired from doing nothing the last 2 days. I was sweating like crazy, but still passing legions of day hikers and weekend backpackers. I entered the Desolation Wilderness.

I couldn't believe how popular this place is, and with good reason; it's stunning.

I was so sluggish today. Those zero's tamed me. I was also so thirsty. It was hot out. A milkshake was a poor choice...I had no water and after what seemed like an eternity, I came to a pond and filtered water from it. It rained briefly for a few minutes.

There was probably over 40 backpackers out today, but I saw zero PTC thru's out. I enjoyed talking to the backpackers though. I came to Aloha Lake, which was remarkable!

This wilderness is very exposed and grand. Even though lots of hikers were around, there was a deafening silence... The calm before the storm?

I passed 1,100 miles. After 1,000, it's not that cool to count the hundreds, but if a marker is there, I'll take a pic.

I passed many lakes.

I had no plan, but I knew I wanted to get up and over Dick's Pass before lightning came.

Of course, many jokes are made among hikers about Dick's Pass. I wonder why?

I could see Half Moon Lake, which is off trail. A local told me there are caves there filled with Quartz.

I reached the top of Dicks Pass and looked down at Dicks Lake. I wonder who this Dick is?
I was looking for a camp area early because of the dark clouds forming. The skeeters were out and hungry, so I reluctantly got my deet out. This is where things took a bad turn. I sprayed the deet directly into my eye, point blank. I immediately started flushing my eyes with water. I know how gnarly deet is, and I was nearly panicked about what would happen. I flushed my eye for about 15 minutes until I ran out of water. I hate deet and I really hate the mosquitoes for making me use deet. In thinking of abstaining from using deet because of today's mishap.

I looked at camping around Dicks Lake, but there was a bunch of teenagers there. They were rowdy and were wearing skinny jeans. I don't need that.
I continued for a mile to Fontanillis Lake, which was less crowded. I found a spot, but the sky above Tahoe had my attention. The skies to the east were dark and thunder was booming in the sky. I saw lightning.

It passed after 30 minutes, but it made me quite anxious. I set up my tent in rain prep mode and made ramen. I'm a fan of these crystal light packets now:

They are delicious.

I'm still so tired after the zero's, and I feel weary and worn. I really hope I don't have to deal with the weather tomorrow, but I know I will. Goodnight readers!
Fontanillis Lake is drop-dead gorgeous. Someday, maybe this year, I'll camp there.