I was up late (for a hiker) last night updating this blog, but once inside my cozy tent I fell right asleep. I only slept 5 hours since I'm automatically up by 5am each day. It was bitter cold again this morning, and I jumped out of my tent and quickly put my phone and solar charger in the rising light to give my phone some juice for pictures today. I stayed in my sleeping bag until 7am and made my new go-to morning drink, coffee and hot chocolate, from my tent. I was hiking by 7:30.

It was difficult to take pictures this morning because I had little lighting. I was going strong this morning, but it really grinds my gears that the hiking is so slow thus far in the Sierra. The terrain, altitude, pack weight, or all of the above, I'm just so sluggish lately.

The smells are amazing here. There are lots of these bare trees that look as if they've been carved by hand and oiled and such. I doubt that's the case though. Who has the time. And all that oil? Forget about it...

I apologize for the crap pictures this morning. The iPhone camera is serviceable when the lighting is ideal, but useless in low or high light. I might just be off today. The landscape though, continues to fill in.

I needed water but the trail junctions were hopelessly confusing, and I missed the path to two springs. No big deal though, there's an abundance of springs here, so I stopped at the next one, Poison Meadow Spring. This was good water, and the snow around it made the water ice cold. I filled a couple liters.
I was starving and it was mid day so I set up the lunch train near the trail. I'm already on ration mode and I have 5 days until resupply. I'm so hungry out here, even carrying this much food. Whatever I have will never be enough. I need to think harder about high calorie, low weight, and good tasting foods.

Unlike the desert where I tried to hike as far as possible, here I have to plan a destination that will set me up for the next day. I'm currently trying to get to the Mt Whitney trail by morning in 2 days, so I've planned a week of low mileage days. I don't like hiking like this. I'd much rather charge recklessly through the miles. I do have time to relax in paradise though:

The sun was burning a hole through my soul so I new it was time to hike on. That, and a small army of chipmunks were surrounding me and watching me. It was cute and chilling. I strapped on the solar panel and put the sun to work.

More of this beautiful wood.

I was sleepy this afternoon. Little sleep and all uphill in the hot sun will do this. I think the altitude is giving me headaches too. I also don't trust my trekking poles. Sure they may help me on the passes, but I think they're slowing me down, and hurting my shoulder. Sorry, end of rant.

Great views though!

I mean, really great views...

It was early afternoon and I only needed 4 miles to my destination, but I was flagging. I had little energy. In fact, I've had very little energy since leaving Kennedy Meadows. I'll get to the bottom off this.

At 3:30 or so, I made it to my destination, Chicken Spring Lake, my first alpine lake! It was stunning. There were campers everywhere, mostly weekenders. I quickly went lakeside and just sat for a long while and stared.

I would have jumped in were it not for the freezing water and biting wind. Instead, I took out my mat and laid in the sun. I almost fell asleep.

I saw my first Marmot! They are so damn cute. This one reminded me of my cat Bill. I tried to take a good pic, but he waddled under a rock whenever I got close.

I vow to find another marmot and get a proper pic for you all. Consider it a promise. I set up my tent away from all the people, but it was a real chore. The wind blew my tent away twice while I was setting it up and I had to put rocks in it.

I made dinner, Mac and cheese with some added magic. It's never enough. I need a buffet...where'd that juicy marmot run off to...

I really wanted to put in more miles, but this is the best plan for now. I have to do the same thing when I cross the high passes. It's absolutely freezing here. Time for my so called warm clothes to show what they're made of. Since I'm stealth camping, other campers keep wandering up to my spot, probably to go to the bathroom. When they see me sitting on my bear cannister staring at them from the shadows, they quickly turn away in embarrassment. It's amusing to me. I'm going to bed super early tonight. Until tomorrow.
I'm not satisfied with this post, so I braved the cold for these dusk pics:
The colors are special.
Continue the quest for a Marmot. Pictures once again tell an incredible journey. Once again...happy to see that your Blog has been repaired.