I stayed in that jacuzzi for a long time last night. They provided lavender bubble bath and I'm not familiar with bubble baths so I poured in nearly half a bottle and when I turned the jets on, the bubbles went crazy and threatened to take over the entire room. I would have taken a pic but there was too many bubbles! It was a good night, and I went to bed late and woke up very early, 6am, and I was very comfy. I got up and went across the street to the highly recommended Grizzly Manor Cafe. It's very small, but quite hyped among the hiker community. I sat at the bar with the locals who chatted with me about the trail.
I looked at the menu and laughed at this.

It was funny because I can totally picture my brother Pat seeing this and immediately ordering it. I ordered French Toast that came with eggs and bacon.

It was good, and not too much, some of the plates I saw were just massive. After initially coming out of the wild ravenous, my appetite was more in check today. The waitress gave me a discount for being a PCT hiker. I left and went back to my room, and OF COURSE, I took another Jacuzzi bath while watching "Married with Children," because why the hell not? I had a decision to make about my plans for today and tonight, and after finding out that the trail angels, Papa Smurf and Mountain Mama's house was full, I opted to stay another night at this very strange Black Forest Lodge. Sadly, I downgraded to a cheaper room, and there would be no more nights of ecstasy in the jacuzzi. My new room was small, but has a bed and shower, which fits me fine, and its only ten bucks more than the hostel, and I don't really feel like bunking with 7 other hikers.

It was such a relief to have figured out a place to stay tonight, and I could leave my stuff in the room instead of lugging it around town. Next, I had to resupply for the next stretch, and the grocery store was 2.5 miles up the road. I had planned to take the bus, but decided to walk and keep my legs fresh. I set off to explore Big Bear.

I went to the only sporting store around, Big 5.

I looked at sun glasses, because I have scratched mine up something fierce, but didn't find anything I needed. It's interesting how useless all the gear is at Big 5.

This city is named for the Grizzly Bears that once roamed the land, and much like Idyllwild, is obsessed with bears.

I have a lot more bear pics, but you get the point. A couple miles later I came to Stater Brothers, a store I've never heard of, but the prices were ok. I bought some oatmeal, mac and cheese, avocados, salami, cheese, ramen, mashed potatoes, and some bars.

Not yet satisfied that I'd gotten enough food, I went across the street to Vons.

It was around this time that being in town was making me anxious. I haven't been hiking that long, but it was a bit of a sensory overload. There were so many people in so little space, and I felt uncomfortable. As I was leaving, I heard my name and it was two other hikers, Whole-Roll and Jihad. I talked to them for a long time, like an hour. They laughed at my sunglasses tan. It can be really nice to talk to some hikers since we're all having the same issues. Other hikers I knew showed up and they were all going to a movie later so I told them I'd meet them. I left and checked out the dollar store.

I was disappointed to see that not everything was a dollar. It smelled awful in there too, and this is coming from a filthy hiker. I bought some skittles anyways to get rid of my change, which becomes dead weight if I don't spend it. I started the walk back to my room, occasionally looking up at the mountains and wishing I was back up there. It can be very hard when I'm hiking and I'm hot, sweaty, dirty and tired, but once I get into a busy town, I realize how free I am on the trail.

I like this carving of a t-rex and a pterodactyl. (or whatever it is.) It looks like they're sharing a very intimate moment.

Here is something I found outside the auto parts store. I call him the Muffler Man.

I mad it back to my room and organized my food, and when I was done, my food bag is SO HEAVY!! I'm not gonna mess with it though, not after nearly going hungry on my last stretch. I did make some packing adjustments though. I am going to try putting a trash compactor bag in my pack to waterproof my stuff, and then stuffing my sleeping bag, clothes, and tent at the bottom, rather than use individual dry sacks for those items. This should utilize all of the extra space in the bottom of my pack. I'll then put my heavy food bag on top of that so my pack weight is bottom heavy instead of top heavy. I've been having nerve pain in my right shoulder and I hope this will help.
I also cannot feel my left big toe. It has been numb for days. I'll try loosening my laces and see of that helps. It worries me some, but I hear it is normal. At 3pm I headed towards Big Bear Village.

I love this cougar carving:

I really love this t-shirt:

The village is a very touristy place. I looked like a tourist, taking dumb pictures.

I met up with a large group of hikers and we all saw the new Avengers film. It was ok, not as good as the first. Most of the other hikers looked like they'd just smoked about a pound of weed.

Afterwards, many of the hikers were talking about going to some "party house" in Big Bear City, about 6 miles away, but this didn't appeal to me, as I need to hike tomorrow. I also have to write up my blog post! I'm all about that hiking. I wanted to go walk around anyways and I went down by the lake and messed around with my camera.

I found me a burrito from this hole in the wall across the way, and went back to my room right as it was getting dark.

The best part is, as I'm typing this, The Giants are playing the Angels, so it's televised here, and I get to watch the game on this fuzzy ten inch tv!

It was a pretty good zero day and I feel refreshed. Sometimes I wonder if I should be more social with these other hikers, but for now, I'm happy with putting all my energy into my hiking journey. Tomorrow I must find a way to the trail, so that should be interesting. I'm very tired though, so I'll shower, wash my clothes in the bathroom sink, and hopefully sleep very well. I'm starting another long stretch tomorrow.
Bears,Bears, Bears..I love the cougar carving...looks like he is thinking WTF. hope today is a great day, until tomorrow..Connie
ReplyDeleteI loved the Fat Pat on the menu...that is exactly what he orders whenever we go to breakfast...providing it is on the menu. Looks like a productive Zero day for you. Interesting that your social patterns...continue on the trail. No parties? Not smoking loads of MJ? Wanting to get back into the wideness? Alone...? The Blog is great reading for all of us who fear your adventure. A big plus...I have bonded with your cat Bill (a giant Main-Coon cat. He now lets me hold him and purrs. He is still mad that you are not available. He was thinking a day or two.....
ReplyDeleteBill is actually a Ragamuffin, not a main coon, but I'm glad you guys are bonding. Not being with him is easily the hardest part of my trip.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about Big 5. Add Dick's to that too. No ultra light at those places. Ultra HEAVY.