miles: 10
Since I wasn't nearly as sore as I thought I'd be after yesterday's Big Sur hike, I decided to take advantage of this great Spring weather and head to Carmel Valley Village and Garland Park. It is crazy here lately, it feels like Summer but with wildflowers and green everywhere. I strapped on my Merrell's to give them one last "wear-in" before my thru-hike, while also testing my Darn Tough socks, and I was off. After walking past many people soaking in the sun by the Carmel River, i crossed it and passed through a few meadows.

There were critters all over the place today, I was constantly serenaded by noises all around me, but no rattlers like last time I was here. I soon hit the incline and the trail was very steep for the next mile and a half.
I was really impressed with how nice the trails are here. Very well maintained, probably because they are used by horses often. I imagine the PCT will be a lot like this.
there was evidence of Sudden Oak Death everywhere. The pathogen that causes SOD is running rampant through California and Oregon killing Oaks and other species of tree and is quite devastating, since very few control mechanisms exist for the disease.

After climbing straight up for a good spell, I finally reached a beautiful meadow, drank some water and rested. I've been working on trying to rest more and drink more water in smaller amounts. I have a tendency to take no breaks and I believe this has contributed to my ankle stress injury.
Regarding my sore ankle, it still throbs on top when I first put my shoes on, but after hiking for about 20 minutes, the pain goes away. Going downhill exacerbates it some, but I'll continue to ice it, and otherwise pretty much ignore it.
I continued ascending toward a summit called "Vasquez Knob," and when I got there I was surprised to find a bench with a John Muir quote on it. This has to mean something, right? I was meant to hike the PCT!!
After exploring the ridge for a bit and taking some effect pics for fun, I continued along a different ridge with stunning views of Garzas Canyon.

Once the decent started, it was serious business. It was very steep for a long time, and all I could think about was how much it would suck to have to walk up this. Halfway down, I met an old rancher, dressed in farm clothes, powering slowly up the grade. He must have been late 60's!! That guy is a warrior for sure. After carefully going down for what seemed like a long while, I noticed a Redwood grove at the bottom of the canyon, and I even found a trail that loops around them and Garzas Creek.
When I got to the creek, the scene was beautiful. The sun was coming through the branches of the Bay and Oak trees, and it was quite special. I walked along the creek for a couple miles, crossing it around 6 times.
I followed the trail until it reached the Carmel River and then followed that back to my truck. Another great day of hiking, and the best part is how great my legs feel. I'm ready to hike the PCT and I wish I could start tomorrow, but as is, I will continue to keep my legs in hiking shape until I leave. Until next time...